1st grade Halloween Fun
Fun Day in K Celebrating Halloween!!!
🎃Elementary Teachers & Staff Love Dressing Up for Halloween as much as the Kids!!!🎃
PM Pre-K Party time! Thank you to all the parents! We had so much fun!
Elementary afternoon PALS first quarter Awards: perfect attendance, penmanship, citizenship and espark too high 5
1st quarter Elementary awards- Top class for IXL math was 4th grade. Top class for IXL language arts was 5th grade. And the class with the most minutes overall was 4th grade.
1st Elementary awards- Top IXL minutes for Math and Language Arts
1st quarter Elementary awards- Honor Roll
1st quarter Elementary awards.
Such Halloween Fun!
Halloween parade
Thank you Cedar Vale downtown, our Halloween parade was so much fun!
AM Pre-K Party Day!
Elementary class pumpkins on display
Elementary prek -5 morning costume parade Thursday 10/28 Downtown Cedar Vale 8:15am with elementary first quarter awards following parade and afternoon Prek costume parade approximately 12:45pm downtown. Picture retakes begin approximately 11:15 am and elementary Halloween parties after 3:10 pm - Fun Fall Celebration!
Kindergartens Class Pumpkin 🎃 and working with letter tiles to build and read words!! #readersareleaders 📚
Mrs. Shockley’s Cheerleading Interest Group! These future Spartan Cheerleaders have great spirit!! 💜📣
6-12 grade pumpkins on display! Wow!
Taylor interviewed Mrs. Mitten about her interest group coding. Mrs. Mitten said, "that she liked teaching reading better, but coding is fun."
Mrs. Mitten said, "she picked coding because kids love playing games and she felt student should learn how to create games. "
Hattie interview Mrs. Shockley in her cheerleading interest group. Mrs. Shockley was a cheerleader and really enjoys teaching younger kids. Her student Emmie and Harper said, "they really enjoyed learning how to cheer."